You Are Worthy!

“That girl is not pretty, even Rosaliz is better.” When those words were said in my presence, I couldn’t believe it. I felt so empty and my self-worth spiralled down the cliff it had been holding on to for dear life. “Why did she just say that?” “Am I that unpleasant to behold?” These and many other questions ran through my mind. I expected this person to know better but of course, typical me smiled and pretended like those words didn’t cut into the very depths of my soul.
As a child, I never thought too much about beauty or how I looked. I was content with living my life and having fun. I was overweight for my age group (I blame my mum but that’s a story for another day…lol). Anyways, it was when I noticed I was bigger than my peers that I started paying attention to the definition of ‘beauty’ at that time. I resigned to my fate of not being one of the ‘cool kids’ or ‘pretty girls’ but I never imagined I would hear anyone say it when I was within earshot. 
I built a wall of defence and it was manifested in angry fits and harsh words meant to make others feel as miserable as I was. I made sure that anyone who spoke about my weight received a rebuttal they would never forget or I ignored the person and made it look like I wasn’t dying inside.
I lived like this for so long and I didn’t actually believe others when they said I was beautiful. My self-esteem was so low and I did a good job at hiding it. To be totally honest, it wasn’t  until recent times that I actually felt I was beautiful. God affirmed me and it was so surreal that the wounds from my past began to heal. The little darts that were thrown at my heart and mind began to fall off and I knew I could never be defined by the negative words others threw at me. I  came to the conclusion that my Father was the only One permitted to tell me who I am! 
I am sharing this because of the young lady/ gentleman who is battling with low self-esteem. You are so worthy of love! You are beautiful/ handsome! Not because anybody says so but because GOD says so!  You are His masterpiece! Do not allow anyone’s opinion to make you doubt who you are in Christ Jesus. When God created you, He saw that what He had created was VERY GOOD! I pray that you receive all the affirmations you need from your Father in heaven because His opinion is the only one that truly matters.
I also want to admonish us to truly love one another and only speak words of affirmation and love. Our words can heal or break; build or destroy. Please choose your words wisely and SPEAK LIFE!
                                                         With much love,




Made For This!

Cutting Corners