Letting Go...

Dear Papa,
Let go… forget all about it… I guess it’s easier said than done. Sometimes I'm tempted to spiral down this drain of unforgiveness. Why do I have to be at the receiving end of offensive words spoken out of turn? 
Forgiveness… this looks like a bitter pill to swallow. Why should I let go? Because Jesus did!! He forgave when He could have unleashed the wrath of heaven on humanity. Such a display of grace and strength!
He suffered wayyy more than I can ever go through. Yet, in His dying moments His heart ached for the very ones who hurt Him; pleading for the people who mocked, beat, and nailed Him to the cross. He would have been tagged a weakling today; someone who couldn’t stand up for himself.
I can imagine how perplexed the devil was, when this ‘weak man’ destroyed the gates of hell and made a public spectacle of him and his agents.
Father, it can be so hard to forgive and I really need You to show me how. When thoughts of past hurts flood my mind, may I remember that no servant is greater than his master. Help me not to listen to the lies of the enemy which seek to elevate the weaknesses of others and make me forget the fact that I will definitely offend others. Please lead me on this liberating path of forgiveness even in the hardest circumstances. I choose to be the weaker one! Let Your glory be revealed in me. I Adore You😍💓!  
                                          Your Child. 

Hey Lovely Peeps😃! Thank you so much for reading! Staying in a place of unforgiveness can be so easy; after all, you were the one who was offended, right? Sometimes we lose focus and believe that it's up to us to decide who/ what deserves to be forgiven. Today, I want to challenge us to look unto Jesus, the perfect example of love and forgiveness. The One who looks at us with sooo much love in His eyes even when we hurt Him and go against His Word. Let us fix our eyes on the One who bore our sins on the cross and gave us a clean slate with the inscription: FORGIVEN! Anytime, we want to hold on, lets remember our saviour and hand everything over to Him. He is the ultimate judge. When it gets hard, ask Him for the strength to let it go!! He will never fail!
I love you all💗 and I'm so grateful to God for your lives! God bless you!

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