I remember the day we first met,

You looked at me with so much love,

I gave up control and You were my safest bet.

You gave me everything I needed,

You never took Your eyes off me

I felt loved



Then he came along,

With his enchanting smile,

I don’t know how I couldn’t see

He told me everything I wanted to hear and more

He made sure I never had Alone Time,

It felt out of this world

I ignored all the fear and doubts

And I gave him all of me.

Please don’t feel sad,

It’s not You, it’s me!

I know You won’t have anything to gain from taking me back,

At least that’s what he says to me.

I guess this is my reality,

I’m too far gone

What we had has to end

I just need You to remember,

It’s not You, it’s me!



Hey Dear Papa Fam!

How are you?! Well, I don’t know if any of us have been in a position where we felt we were too far gone and God wouldn’t want to have anything to do with us. You are not damaged goods!! This is a lie from the pit of hell. The devil is the only one who uses you and blames you when things go south but God is interested in everything that concerns you! He loves you so much and His arms are wide open to receive you anytime, any day! He just wants you to be open with Him. Yes, you may have gone astray but that doesn’t mean His mercy won’t cover you. That’s what Jesus’ blood is there for! He’s never going to break up with you. Just run back into the arms of Your Father, they’ve always been open to you. You are so loved!!





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