
Hey Beautiful People!! So today, I decided to do something different. If you follow me on instagram you may have seen this already. If you haven't yet followed me, what are you waiting for? LOL (please follow me: angel_roseyyy)
Anyways, I felt led to share this to remind us that life is in seasons and we must not give up! Let us hold on to our faith. God is our ever present help in times of need. I love you all and stay blessed.

4th March, 2017
Through all the changing scenes of life You're always with me; urging me on.....
I took these pictures during different seasons and they really spoke to me. The first one just caught my attention. Though it was the dry season and the tree was shedding it's leaves, it was very beautiful. I took a picture of the second one a few days ago and I was shocked at the transformation that had taken place.
These two scenarios really hit home. The first tree talks about the life we had when we first receive Jesus into our lives. Everything is beautiful; we are head over heels in love with Him. We can't think of anything else but Him. Then the shedding begins! The road isn't an easy one; we have to let go of certain habits, and stuff that are of the old life or order. Just when we think it can't get worse, the realest stuff begin; friends leave, life gets tougher, and we literally go through the fire. Of course, who likes to look at a tree without leaves? But what gives us hope is that our God can create beauty from ashes.
Through the word of God, and constant communion with the Lord we begin to look like the second tree and we get to a place where we can actually bear fruit! A seed that is planted must first die before it can germinate. As believers, we must die to self and walk by the Spirit and that is the only way to please the Father. This brings us to a place where we know the true definition of love. Love doesn't seek to gain anything in return; it is given freely. This reminds me of what my mum taught me when I was a child; the true meaning of JOY. Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. It's time for Christians to start being selfless. Help the poor and broken! It's time to act, it's time to bear fruit! God bless you for reading!

#Godofallseasons #Godisnotdead #Helovesussooomuch #keeppushing #don'tgiveup #letlovelead


  1. God bless you for sharing ,Rosie.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so blessed... God bless you, sis...for reminding me that He's there, in all the seasons of my life....

  4. God bless you richly for this Rosie!

  5. Vvery insightful. Truly blessed. Thank you.

  6. ''Though it was the dry season and the tree was shedding its leaves, it was very beautiful.''
    This is awe-ful that beauty can be found in such a place as the apparent shedding of beauty. Another thing, the tree chooses to shed it's beauty, its only natural. Trees can ''tell'' when unfavorable weather is just around the corner and so to preserve what is essential for life, it sheds the ''shed-able''. Absciccion by specialized cells.
    The tree doesn't seek to maintain appearances. It follows the Creator's programme.
    ''As believers, we must die to self and walk by the Spirit and that is the only way to please the Father.'' Indeed. Thank you for this piece of wonderful.

  7. This is beautiful Rosy. God bless you for sharing.


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