
Dear Papa,
It’s so easy to get overly familiar with You; to lose sight of who You really are… to assume that it’s okay to take a step without asking You. I have walked this path many times…on this path I have gone uphill and then downhill, using my own mind to figure out what my journey is supposed to be and it has been very draining.
 I feel like my life is running in circles like the Israelites in the wilderness. And that not-so-little fox called pride makes me question why my life should ever be like the ‘unfulfilled’ Israelites in the wilderness. After all, I’m under a new covenant and Your grace is sufficient for me, right?
But when I take another look at this cycle I have subjected my life to, the only conclusion I can come to is that You are bigger and greater than anything I could ever imagine or dream of. Your ways cannot be understood and Your unpredictable nature and sense of humor are out of this world. There is sooo much more to know about You! There are soo many uncharted waters and I can never know enough.
Every day is a gift and an opportunity to know You more. May I never lose my wonder. With the eyes of a dove, may I never lose sight of the fact that You are the King of the universe; the Creator who will never change. You are the great I Am who knows the end of a thing from it’s beginning and it is not my place to craft a life for myself  outside of Your will. There is so much more to experience and may I always desire to be with YOU, in awe of your greatness, trusting you every step of the way. I Adore YouπŸ’“πŸ’“.                                                                                         Your Child.

Hey Peeps! I know it’s been a while. I had to take a much needed break but guess what?πŸ‘€ I’m back!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ I really missed y’all! A very big thank you to all those who checked up on me. I’m truly grateful. The love is deep!πŸ’“πŸ˜
Sometimes, going ahead of God can be soo easy. We can enter a place where we think we know what God wants us to do but we will definitely miss out when we preempt Him. It could be in both small or major ways. One thing I know is that the Father is soo interested in us and His desire is that we make Him our first point of call. His Word entreats us to commit our ways to Him and He will establish our thoughts (Proverbs 16:3). He’s calling us to a life of diligence.  Nothing is too small or big for Him. Just give it all to Him and remember: DO NOT LOSE YOUR WONDER! I love you all and I’m so thankful to God for your lives!πŸ˜€πŸ™Œ                                                                                                                  Rosaliz.

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